UPLB Basic Research Program

The UPLB Basic Research Program provides financial assistance for basic studies in the natural sciences and mathematics, social sciences and the humanities. The research program also supports UPLB's teaching function and is responsive to national development needs.



  1. The proposed research project should be basic in nature and neither funded ordinarily by other agencies nor done by other institutions.
  2. Higher priority shall be accorded to basic studies which are mission oriented, i.e. with long-range development goals.
  3. The proposal should be prepared following the prescribed format.


  1. The proponent must be a full-time faculty member or researcher of UPLB and must have at least an MS or MA degree.
  2. Priority shall be given to proponents who have no other research study/project and/or have recently received their MS or PhD degrees and wish to do follow-up studies on their thesis or dissertation.
  3. Proponents are encouraged to enjoin other relevant agencies or researcher(s) to participate in the project. Aside from the possibility of cost and personnel sharing, such alliances simplify inter-agency arrangement often required in the conduct of the study, as well as strengthen capability for addressing research problems.


  1. Any reasonable amount may be requested as financial assistance. In general, however, the requested funding for any single year must be kept below P100,000.00 for non-laboratory studies and P160,000.00 for laboratory studies.
  2. The line-item-budget (LIB) must be sufficiently detailed, keeping in mind that actual expenditure shall be subjected to government accounting and auditing rules and thus, should be properly documented.
  3. The hiring of full-time study personnel is discouraged. Instead, existing research personnel may be tapped for additional duties and corresponding incentives.
  4. Under this program, there is no provision for honoraria of study leaders, equipment and capital outlay.


  1. Studies with expected substantial results obtained within one year are preferred.
  2. The duration limit for any single proposal is two (2) years. This does not preclude sequel work which builds upon previously completed work by the proponent.
  3. The OVCRE reserves the right to discontinue the study or the granting of financial assistance upon recommendation of the technical review committee that decides if the results obtained or expected for the study do not justify further investigation or activity. The proponent shall be notified at least one (1) month prior to termination of the study.


In case of change in study leadership, the study leader shall communicate in writing with the OVCRE his/her recommended replacement, attaching the bio-data of the new study leader. A study staff which will be replaced by reason of resignation/transfer shall submit his/her recommendation/transfer letter to OVCRE.


  1. The researcher shall submit four (4) copies of the annual progress report as a basis for the renewal of the project in accordance with the prescribed format. Upon completion of the project, the researcher is required to submit three (3) printed and one electronic copies/copy, respectively, of the terminal report based on the results of the study, and a publishable journal article or a poster paper.
  2. All reports, articles, and similar materials intended for publication must be submitted to OVCRE. The UPLB Basic Research Program should be properly acknowledged as provider of financial and other assistance.
  3. Final/terminal reports are due within two months of the termination of the study.


Funds shall be released on a quarterly basis. Expenses for the operation of the study shall be disbursed as indicated in the Advice of Sub-Allotment (ASA) and shall be subjected to existing accounting and auditing rules.


Patents arising from discoveries or inventions resulting from the basic research study shall be governed by existing rules and regulations of UPLB.

For proposal forms and other documents

All documents pertaining to availing of the UPLB Basic Research Program grant can be downloaded here.