Interested in submitting to this journal? We recommend that you review the About the Journal page for the journal's section policies, as well as the Author Guidelines. Authors need to register with the journal prior to submitting or, if already registered, can simply log in and begin the five-step process.
The E&D Journal is a refereed publication designed to provide a venue for debates and trends in the fields of forestry and natural resources. It is published twice a year as a journal on forestry and natural resources by the UPLB College of Forestry and Natural Resources (CFNR), University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB). Its production is handled with its Editor-in-Chief, Managing Editor, and Editorial Staff as CFNR constituents.
The E&D Journal welcomes research articles, policy papers, research notes, concept papers, editorials, and essays that deal with current issues, ongoing debates, and emerging concerns on forestry and natural resources.
Target Audience
The Journal aims to reach a wide range of institutions (universities, schools, research and development institutions, government and non-government agencies, and local government units) and individuals (students, educators, researchers, legislators, policymakers, and natural ecosystems managers).
- Articles must be original, unpublished, not more than 25 pages long (including the abstract, tables, figures, maps, and appendices), and not submitted to other journals or publications.
- Research articles should deal with findings and data not older than five years and may include a discussion on the implications of its findings.
- Papers presented in conferences may be considered, but these should be rewritten as journal articles, with permission from conference organizers to use the paper for the journal.
- Manuscripts should be processed in Microsoft® Word 2000/2003 (doc) or Microsoft® Word 2007/2010 (Docx), double-spaced, 12-points Times New Roman) and in the American English language. Authors should submit manuscripts containing the following sections:
- Title – Specific, concise, and should be less than 20 words. Except the first word, all words should be in lower case letters.
- List of authors, affiliations, and email addresses – Full names of all authors, designation, and affiliations (department, university or organization, city, and country) must be provided. Underline the corresponding author, including the email address.
- Abstract – Should briefly introduce the manuscript, not exceeding 300 words in one paragraph only.
- Keywords - At most, five keywords or phrases are in alphabetical order and separated by commas; do not use words already mentioned in the title.
- Introduction- Provides the context of the manuscript, written in an understandable manner for readers who are not experts in that field.
- Methodology – Should specify the techniques used, details of the study area, and limitations of the study. For commonly used methods, a simple reference is sufficient.
- Results and Discussion- Contains the proposed ideas/theories, significant results, and related discussion. Cite references in the text as follows: Brown (2000) or (Brown 2000) for a single author; Brown & Lee (2001) or (Brown & Lee 2001) for two authors; and Brown et al. (2003) or Brown et al. (2003) for multiple authors. For multiple references, cite in chronological order.
- Conclusion- Summary of manuscript’s findings, importance, gaps, and recommendations for further research.
- Literature Cited- Should contain at least 10 references, arranged in the order of citation in text.
- List of Figures and Tables
- Acknowledgments – Optional, and usually includes names of people and/or organizations who contributed to the work but do not fit the criteria listed as authors. Include at most five sentences.
- Manuscripts (including tables, figures, photos, maps, and appendices) should include the following formats:
- Specify if figures and illustrations should be printed in black-and-white or full-color.
- Scanned line drawings should be digitized with a minimum resolution of 800 dpi relative to the final figure size. For digital halftones, 300 dpi is sufficient.
- Use a 16-bit CMYK or RGB image for color illustrations and photographs. It could be stored in TIFF, JPEG, PNG, or BMP format. Please indicate the compression software used if the image files are large and compressed prior to submission.
- Manuscript with multiple authors should include a co-authorship agreement form signed and submitted to the Managing Editor.
- Use the metric system for data that require units of measure.
- Use italic type for scientific names and local terms.
- Use boldface for textual emphasis and mathematical formulas.
- Submit all figures as separate files; do not integrate within the text.
- Use the table functions of Microsoft® Word, not spreadsheets, to make tables.
- Use the equation editor of Microsoft® Word or Math Type for equations.
- Number the pages using the automatic numbering function.
- Use tab stops or other commands for indents, not the space bar.
- Place figure legends or tables at the end of the manuscript.
- Use left paragraph alignment only (do not justify lines; allow the automatic line wrap to function).
- Use the tab for paragraphs (do not automatically indent any lines).
- Use two-line spacing throughout (do not automatically insert extra space before or after paragraphs).
- Authors cited in the text should be listed in the References Cited section.
- Authors cited as “et al.” in the text should be enumerated in the References Cited.
- For citing bibliographic references, consult the American National Standards Institute (ANSI).
Manuscripts undergo a double-blind peer review. Efforts should be made by the author to prevent his or her identity from being known during the review process.
Please send your manuscript to:
The Editor-in-Chief
Ecosystems & Development Journal
Office of the Coordinator for Research, Extension, and Linkages
College of Forestry and Natural Resources
University of the Philippines Los Baños
College, Laguna, Philippines