The Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Extension (OVCRE) is currently mandated as the UPLB unit in charge with the university’s research and extension programs. Created in October 23, 1997 during the Board of Regents’ (BOR) 1113th meeting, the OVCRE is tasked to:

  • Assist the chancellor in coordinating the R and E programs of the university;
  • Oversee the development and implementation of R and E programs of the university;
  • Initiate innovative techniques for efficient planning, implementation, performance evaluation, and reporting of R and E activities in the university;
  • Effect increased output of technical and popular publications and implement an extensive and efficient distribution system;
  • Coordinate staff development of personnel in research, extension and professional staff categories; and
  • Assist in resource generation and in the establishment of inter-institutional linkages in R and E.