
OVCRE Memo NB No. 24-027: Call for Applications to the Emerging Interdisciplinary Research Program (EIDR) Cycle 10

The UP Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs has announced the call for applications to the Emerging Interdisciplinary Research Program (EIDR) Cycle 10.

The EIDR supports innovative research/creative work projects that address pressing global challenges while contributing to the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Please note that all proposals shall be subjected to technical and administrative review by OVCRE prior to submission to OVPAA. The new deadline for submission of proposals to OVCRE is November 30.

OVCRE Memo NB No. 24-011: Call for UPLB Basic Research Proposals 2025 Implementation

The Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Extension is now accepting research proposals for funding under the UPLB Basic Research Program (UPLB BRP) for 2025 implementation.

The proposals must fall under one of the five UPLB AGORA focus areas: (1) Food Security and Sovereignty; (2) Resiliency and Sustainability; (3) Future Communities and Institutions; (4) One Health; and (5) Social Justice and Cultural Flourishing.

The guidelines and proposal template were revised (Annexes A and B) to strengthen the implementation of the UPLB BRP.

OVCRE Memo NB No. 24-008: Call for Proposals of the Department of Agriculture-Bureau of Agricultural Research (DA-BAR) for 2025 Funding

In line with the strategies and objectives of the Department of Agriculture to boost farm productivity and minimize production and postproduction costs, the DA-Bureau of Agricultural Research sets their thrust and priorities for the Call for Proposals (2025 funding).

To facilitate timely endorsement of proposals to the funding agency, UPLB researchers are required to submit documents (with document ID) endorsed through channels to OVCRE on or before 18 March 2024.

OC Memorandum No. 085 s. 2023: Policy on Program/Project Appointment for the UP System- and Externally-funded Research and Extension Programs and Projects

The University recognizes the significant contribution of its employees in pursuing programs and projects toward our collective vision of becoming a future-proof research university. However, it is essential to acknowledge that each member of our personnel possesses unique appointments and responsibilities, which may result in varying degrees of official involvement and appointment in research and extension programs and projects.

In line with this, the University releases this memo regarding the program/project appointments of UPLB personnel for UP System- and externally-funded R&E programs and projects.

UPLBFI-implemented and core-funded projects and studies under the UPLB Basic Research Program are not covered by these guidelines.

This memo supersedes OC Memo No. 066, s.2019: Research Implementation in Relation to Retirement issued on June 18, 2019. This memo took effect on July 24, 2023.

OC Memorandum No. 078 s. 2023: Implementation of the Scholarly Outputs Module in the UPLB Online Output Reporting System

All UPLB faculty members, REPS, and staff should input their scholarly outputs in the UPLB Online Output Reporting System (ORS).

The ORS strives to offer UPLB employees a streamlined method for registering their scholarly output, which can be utilized for various purposes such as Faculty/REPS Service Records, Faculty/REPS Merit Promotion, and other reports and systems that require this information.