
DOST's Harmonized National Research and Development Agenda 2022-2028

As per DOST Memo dated 15 July 2022, the National Economic and Development Authority has reviewed and found the Harmonized National Research and Development Agenda (HNRDA) 2022-2028 in order.

The HNRDA was prepared in consultation with government and private research and development institutions, the academe, industry and other concerned agencies. It ensures that "results of science, technology and innovation endeavors are geared towards and are utilized in areas of maximum economic and social benefit for the people."

OVCRE Memo NCB No. 22-15: 2022 Cycle 2 Call for ECWRG proposals

The Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs (OVPAA) is now accepting research proposals for funding under the Enhanced Creative Works and Research Grant.

The ECWRG Program aims to encourage faculty (from Instructor 4 to Professor) and REPS to undertake research that will lead to publications, exhibitions or performances of creative work or other significant output such as patents, new software, and advanced technologies.

Deadline for submissions is on 15 August 2022.

OVCRE Memo NB No. 22-008: 2023 Call for UPLB Basic Research Proposals

The Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Research and Extension (OVCRE) is now accepting research proposals for funding under the UPLB Basic Research Program (UPLB BRP) CY 2023.

With the adoption of UPLB's new Research and Extension (R&E) Agenda – the UPLB AGORA (Accelerating Growth through One Research and Extension in Action), the proposals must be aligned with AGORA's four (4) focus areas: (1) food security and sovereignty; (2) resiliency and sustainability; (3) future communities and institutions; and (4) One Health.

OVCRE Memo NB No. 22-004: 2022 First Call for ECWRG Proposals

The Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs (OVPAA) is now accepting research proposals for funding under the Enhanced Creative Works and Research Grant (ECWRG).

The ECWRG Program aims to encourage faculty (from Instructor 4 to Professor) and REPS to undertake research that will lead to publications, exhibitions or performances of creative work or other significant output such as patents, new software, and advanced technologies.

Deadline of submission of proposals is on 20 February 2022.