RDE Thrusts
Research and extension, are two of the triple, major functions of UPLB. The University sees to it that its knowledge for teaching and for development are supported by local and/or national research findings from the experience of the institution through research and extension and immersion into the problems of the communities.
The stimulating effect of research provides the backstop and support to the instruction and extension functions. As a center of excellence in higher learning, UPLB's contribution to the pursuit of relevant knowledge is critical. Since 1909, until the university became autonomous in 1972, readjustments were made in its research thrusts without sacrificing its orientation for instruction. Its unique mission towards agricultural and rural development in the 70s heightened to include more specifically the development of the rural poor in the 80s.
Since then, criteria have been set forth in establishing research and extension priorities in the development, processing, and funding of research and extension proposals. All throughout agenda-settings over the years, UPLB has consulted with its various units to identify research and extension thrusts.
2011 UPLB RDE Thrusts
As a result of UPLB's continous strategic planning which commenced in 2008, a program framework was crafted after series of workshops aimed to align the university's research, development and extension programs to identified growth areas. As an output of the 2009 UPLB Planning Workshop, following growth areas in UPLB's future were enumerated, and have been adopted by the past administration of Chancellor Rex Victor O. Cruz.
These growth areas have been inputted into what is now known as UPLB's new Integrated Research, Development and Extension Framework:
2005 UPLB RDE Thrusts
In 2005, as part of his vision for UPLB, Chancellor Luis Rey I. Velasco, the university oriented its programs to three priority areas – food and agriculture, environment, and biotechnology, where the university will focus and build its academic research programs around niches and themes that will respond to and anticipate major national needs:
1999 UPLB RDE Thrusts
In 1999, UPLB’s mandate was reassessed from its traditional role in providing national leadership in instruction, research and extension in agriculture, forestry and related fields to
meeting the growing needs for quality education in the arts and sciences, humanities and engineering.
The university’s mandate was broadened to include far-reaching policy and institutional reforms to address the problems of industry and agriculture; national development framework premised on accelerated economic growth; the Arroyo administration’s social contract with the poor; the Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization Act (AFMA) premised on dynamic, smallholder agriculture; a need to revitalize education; call for more investments in productivity-enhancing research and development; and the pressing need to enhance institutional capability at all levels.
Further, being the seat of several centers of excellence, UPLB shares its institutional resources with the country’s state colleges and universities (SUCs). With the broadened UPLB mandate, the strategic vision, plans of action and priority research areas were set as follows:
- Molecular biology and biotechnology
- Biodiversity and genetic resource management
- Natural resource management
- Information and communication technology
- Knowledge systems and development and policy studies, and
- Sustainable production systems
1996 UPLB RDE Thrusts
In the 10th University Research and Extension Council (UREC) General Assembly held on February 19, 1996, the following thrusts were approved and pursued: