Analytical & Research Services

CVM-VPCS Veterinary Parasitology Laboratory

The laboratory is capable of performing fecalysis, blood parasite examination and parasite identification.


Department of Veterinary Paraclinical Sciences
College of Veterinary Medicine
UPLB, College, Laguna

Contact person

Dr. Billy P. Divina
Position: Head
Designation: Associate Professor 7

Contact details

Telephone No: (049) 536 - 2728
Telefax No: (049) 536 - 2730
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Specialized Equipment

  1. Stereo microscope
  2. Dissecting microscope
  3. Trinocolar microscope
  4. Cryostat

Schedule of Fees

Name of Service
Number of Days of Service
Commercial Rate (in Peso)
Direct fecal smear examination 1 day 50.00
Quantitative fecalysis 1 day 100.00
Qualitative fecalysis 1 day 100.00
Blood parasite examination 1 day 100.00
Microfilaria examination 1 day 50.00
Skin scrapings 1 day 50.00
Ear swab 1 day 50.00
Parasite Identification
Genus Level 1 - 7 days Private: 2,000.00
Students: 1,000.00
UPLB: 500.00
Species Level 1 - 7 days Private: 2,500.00
Students: 1,500.00
UPLB: 500.00