Start: April 3-May 3, 2017; 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM (Every Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday)
Venue: E.B. Copeland Gym
Resource Person: Dr. Virgilio B. Marilag
Contact Person: Mr. Dan Magana
Contact number: (049) 536-2534
Football/Soccer (Beginner/Intermediate)
Start: April 21 to May 20, 2018; 8:00 AM to 10:00 PM (Every Saturday and Sunday)
For ages 6 to 12 years old only
Venue: UPLB Lower Field
Contact Persons: Dr. Dennis Pahud (0917-898-3975); Ms. Angela (0905-342-0255); Mr. Dan Magana (049 536 2534)
Gymnastics (Basic Floor & Stunts)
Date: May 3-12, 2017
Venue: E.B. Copeland Gym
Contact Person: Mr. Dan Magana
Contact number: (049) 536-2534
Outdoor Recreation
Start: April 17, 2017
Time: TBA
Resource persons: Prof. Myra Luzviminda G. Abueg
Contact person: Mr. Dan Magana
Contact number: (049) 536-2534
Summer Basketball Program for Kids
Learn the fundamental skills in Basketball such as, Ball Handling, Dribbling, Passing and Shooting. Different drills will be introduced to sharpen the basic skills in putting any play effectively both offense and defense.
Time and duration: Mondays and Saturdays (3:00 PM to 5:00 PM)
Venue and fee: E.B. Copeland Gymnasium
Course Fee: P 3,000 per participant
Course Coordinator: Virgilio B. Marilag
Email address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Contact Number: 0919 570 0005 and (049) 536-2534
Swimming (Basic, Intermediate, & Advanced)
Start: April 7- May 12, 2018
Saturdays, 7-9AM
Age: 6 years old and above
Venue: Baker Hall Pool
Resource persons: Patricio Laurel, Emiliano Tapangco, Pepito Torino
Contact person: Mr. Dan Magana
Contact number: (049) 536-2534
Date: April 12 to May 24, 2016 (Every Tuesday and Thursday) Time: 5:30 PM to 7:00 PM Venue: E.B. Copeland Gymnasium Fee: P 2,000
Contact Persons/ Coordinators: Elvira M. Garcia - 09215775073 Frederick G. Simbulan - 09178287403 >DHK Office - (049) 536-2534