Our Technologies

RCF Morado Caimito
‘RCF Morado’ caimito came from a seedling tree grown at the RC Fruit Conservation Farm in Mabacan, Calauan, Laguna. The mother tree is strong with spreading growth habit. It bears fruit yearly and its fruit can be harvested from January to February. The fruit is nearly globose, weighs 331.4 g and measures 8.3 cm long and 8.5 cm in diameter. The ripe fruit has a smooth, shiny, medium thick, and dark purple skin. The flesh is creamy white to purple, soft and melting, juicy, fiber-free, mildly aromatic, sweet, creamy and 51% of the fruit by weight. The seeds are black, flat, and about six to seven per fruit; each measuring 2.3 cm long and 1.6 cm wide.
Fruit crop variety
Patent Type:
Plant variety protection
Patent Status:


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