Fariñas Cashew |
'Fariñas’ cashew came from a seedling tree of unknown parentage. The mother tree is vigorous with spreading growth habit. It is prolific and bears fruit yearly, which can be harvested from March to May. The ripe apple is yellow with reddish-orange tinge. It weighs 131.1 g, measures 7.9 cm long and 5.8 cm in diameter. It is very juicy, moderately fibrous, strongly aromatic and subacid with a slight astringent taste. The nut is ash gray, weighs 6.8 g and measures 3.3 cm long and 2.5 cm wide. The kernel is white, weighs 2.3 g and measures 2.8 cm long, 1.1 cm wide and 1.1 cm thick and 33.5% of the nut by weight.
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