Our Technologies

Gmelina Seasoning Schedule
Gmelina (Gmelina arborea Roxb.) is a tree species widely-grown in plantations by the wood industry sector, specifically for the Philippine furniture industry. However, seasoning or drying of Gmelina has become a bottleneck in the production lines, because of non-uniformity in moisture after kiln drying and long drying period. The developed Gmelina seasoning schedule enables industry stakeholders to properly process their Gmelina harvests. The technology involves kiln drying two-inch thick Gmelina wood for 28 days at moisture content below 12%. This results to a 75% recovery for export quality and 13% for local use. With this moderately high temperature drying schedule, occurrence of defects in the Gmelina wood becomes minimal.
Forestry production system
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Public Domain


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