
Memorandum No. OVPAA 2012-70: International Publication Award Revised Guidelines 2012

27 September 2012

Memorandum No. OVPAA 2012-70

TO: Chancellors and OIC, UP Cebu, Vice Chancellors for Research and Development/Extension

FROM: GISELA P. CONCEPCION, Ph.D, Vice-President for Academic Affairs

SUBJECT: International Publication Award Revised Guidelines 2012

We are pleased to inform you that the Board of Regents, in its 20 September 2012 meeting, approved the revised guidelines for the International Publication Award (Journal Articles).

Under the revised, for authors who have articles published in SCI-, SSCI- and AHCI-indexed journals with an ISI Impact Factor below 2.0000, the maximum amount of the IPA is P65,000.

For authors who have articles published in SCI-, SSCI- and AHCI-indexed journals with an ISI Impact Factor of 2.0000 and above, the maximum amount of the monetary award is P80,000.

Important Note

The new guidelines will be for papers published beginning 01 October 2012.

Memorandum No. OVCRE 2012-002: 2012 Annual Data Collection Requested by the UP System

12 September 2012

OVCRE Memorandum No. 002
Series of 2012

FOR: All Deans, Directors and Department Chairs

FROM: Maria Victoria O. Espaldon, Vice-Chancellor for Research and Extension

SUBJECT: 2012 Annual Data Collection Requested by the UP System (Period covered: November 1, 2011 - September 30, 2012)

This has reference to the annual data collection of the UP System Office of the Vice-President for Planning and Finance for 2012 which the OVCRE has been tasked to consolidate.

Kindly fill up the attached forms for the information needed. The forms can also be downloaded from the OVCRE website at

We will appreciate receiving the all the accomplished forms in hard and electronic copies not later than Monday, October 1, 2012.

Thank you for your usual cooperation.

Memorandum No. OVPAA 2012-59: Call for Applications to the Scientific Career System

06 September 2012

Memorandum No. OVPAA 2012-59

TO: Chancellors and OIC, UP Cebu

FROM: GISELA P. CONCEPCION, Ph.D, Vice-President for Academic Affairs

SUBJECT: Call for Applications to the Scientific Career System

Anent to the memorandum of President Pascual on the Scientific Career System (Memo No. PAEP 12-16), we would like to invite all non-faculty researchers to apply to the Scientific Career System, a DOST-CSC merit program. The program will allow productive researchers belonging to the category REPS in UP to be promoted up to salary grade 30, which is equivalent to the rank of full professor of the University.

Please take note of the following deadlines in UP and DOST:

  1. Submission of CU nominees to OVPAA --- 31 October 2012
  2. Release of results of applications by the Special Technical Committee --- 30 November 2012
  3. Submission of UP nominees to the Scientific Career Council --- 31 January 2013

CUs are requested to announce their own deadlines for submission of applications for evaluation at the CU-level before recommending to the UP System. The members of the UPS Committee on the UP Scientific Productivity System shall serve as the special technical committee to evaluate these applications at the System-level.

Please find attached the Criteria for Application and Admission to the SCS, SCS Form No. 01 and the Merit System for the Scientific Career System CY 2011.

Thank you very much.

Important Note

The deadline for submission of SCS applications at UPLB's level is on October 4, 2012, as per OC Memorandum No. 2012-114 (September 18, 2012). Applications should be submitted to the Vice-Chancellor for Research and Extension.

Memorandum No. OVPAA 2012-55: Sumitomo Foundation Grant for Japan-related Research Projects for FY 2012

14 August 2012

Memorandum No. OVPAA 2012-55

TO: All UP Faculty and Researchers

FROM: GISELA P. CONCEPCION, Ph.D Vice-President for Academic Affairs

SUBJECT: Sumitomo Foundation Grant for Japan-related Research Projects for FY 2012

This is to announce the availability of the Sumitomo Foundation Grant for Japan-related Research Projects for FY 2012.

  • Application period: September 1 - October 31, 2012
  • Grant period: One year (April 2013 through March 2014), but can be extended by another 6 months maximum if required.
  • Grant budget: Approx. Y55 million in total, with approx. 70 projects to be selected

We encourage the UP research community to submit clusters of interdisciplinary, interrelated proposals on topics or problems of interest to the Philippines and Japan. This synergy, we believe, will create greater impact.

To ensure a higher rate of approval, may we suggest that the CUs implement a review process similar to the Creative Work and Research Grant submissions? We noted that from FY 2001-2011 only 47 out of the 159 applications were awarded. The review process may help in refining the proposals giving greater probability of approval.

For more information, please visit their site at

The application forms and guidelines are attached. Thank you.