Our Technologies

UPLB Technologies

UPLB has developed more than 500 technologies - products and processes -- that both public and private entities can use. Business players, entrepreneurs, researchers, and even organizations such as cooperatives may find this catalog useful in looking for technologies to commercialize and make profit from.

Owing to the development mandates of our organization, most of the technologies developed by the university are in public domain, except for technologies which have been protected under the registration and patenting process.

Owing to the development mandates of our organization, most of the technologies developed by the university are in public domain, except for technologies which have been protected under the registration and patenting process.

Results 1 - 5 of 5

TechnologyOrder by: Title

VAM Root Inoculant

VAM root inoculant or VAMRI is composed of chopped dried plant roots containing vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (VAM) …


Vassourinha Cassava

UPL Cv-4 or ‘Vassourinha’ is an all-purpose cassava variety, suitable for food, starch, and feed production. It has …


Vegetable Nuggets

Underutilized vegetables can be subjected to further processing for micro enterprises. Green, leafy, fruit and root vegetables …


Village-Level Ethanol Production System

The village-level ethanol production system is a simple, practical and efficient technology that can offer the rural livelihoods …


Virus-Free Production and Certification of Tissue-Cultured Garlic Planting Materials

This is a technique for mass-producing virus-free and certified garlic planting materials done through a combination of shoot …


Results 1 - 5 of 5