Our Technologies

UPLB Technologies

UPLB has developed more than 500 technologies - products and processes -- that both public and private entities can use. Business players, entrepreneurs, researchers, and even organizations such as cooperatives may find this catalog useful in looking for technologies to commercialize and make profit from.

Owing to the development mandates of our organization, most of the technologies developed by the university are in public domain, except for technologies which have been protected under the registration and patenting process.

Owing to the development mandates of our organization, most of the technologies developed by the university are in public domain, except for technologies which have been protected under the registration and patenting process.

Page 57 of 57 Results 561 - 567 of 567

TechnologyOrder by: Title

Year Round Production of Potted Flowering Mussaendas

This technology is a year-round production schedule of potted flowering Mussaendas which enables commercial growers to produce …



It is a dairy dessert made from a mixture of milk powder and previously evaporated milk that is then coated with sugar syrup. …


Yoghurt Ice Cream

Yoghurt ice cream is a nutritious dairy product containing beneficial lactic acid bacteria. It is a healthy dessert, which …


Yoghurt Ice Cream from Regular Ice Cream Preparation

Yoghurt ice cream can be made using the regular formulation in preparing ice cream mix, with the mix inoculated with yoghurt …


‘AK-47’ for Shallow Tubewell Rehabilitation

The ‘AK-47’ is a simple gadget used for rehabilitating shallow tubewells which are not functional or sub-optimally performing …


‘CADTRI’ Modified Low-Fat Fresh Soft Cheese from Coconut Milk and Skimmilk Powder Blend

CADTRI cheese is a modified low-fat fresh soft cheese made from cheaper blend of water-extracted coconut milk and skimmilk …


‘UPL LB-3’ Lima Bean

This variety yields 12.7 tons/ ha (green shelled pods) or 2.04 tons/ha (seeds). It matures in 77 days. It stands up to 95.3 …


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